Bob L's Central America Trip Photos



Lake Atitlan

Panajachel on the lake. This is one of the Ugliest buildings I have ever seen. Yes, you too can buy a condo in this building.

Monkeys in the nature preserve.

One of the three volcanos around the lake.

This Falcon is injured. They keep it in the butterfly hatchery to catch mice, rats and lizards that eat the butterfly larva.

Christmas is a time of festivals. These kids all dressed up and danced in front of the people and the news cameras. There were some pretty impressive costumes, mostly home made.

I think that's Martha Stewart on the left, scary.

So this is where Bin Laden been hidin'

The lake

Antigua, Guatamala

Another Cathedral.

Take a real close look at the where the water is coming out. Gotta love it.

This is Volcano Picaya, the one I climbed.

Gets a little steep here.

A view at the rim. Lots of sulfer, as well as sulfuric acid blowing around to make it hard to breath.

See, I really did make it to the top. No, it is not a photoshop picture.


Some scenery from the road towards the coast. There was beautiful scenery, and nothing much else on the roads I took.