Even if I am on the road for years, I need a permanent legal address in the US. Some of the full-time RV campers get a registration and address in South Dakota as it is still an easy place to do that. In fact, you can do that without ever visiting South Dakota. The best way is to get a family member to let you use their address. My family all live in places like Connecticut and Massachusetts. I really would rather have an address in what I consider the United States. Those other states would cost a fortune in taxes, not to mention a bit of my soul. I am looking in New Hampshire. It is a lot to ask of someone.
One idea that I have just started playing with is getting a very small, cheap apartment. If I could find one cheap enough, say $400/month, I could store a bunch of things there, and have a place to go to when I am “home”. It would need to be a place I could store my stuff safely, where I would have my mail collected, where I could trust the owners not to cancel my lease on short notice. There are not a lot of places that fit that bill. An in-law apartment might be a good choice. I might have more success finding something like this once I pair down my belongings and get a good idea of how much room it all takes. Also weight. Weight could be a factor in some apartments since it is the tools that are my biggest concern, and my biggest storage issue.
More on this later, as this will be a continuing issue.