The weather finally cooperated for me to ride the Honda Africa Twin. I really liked the bike.
As expected, it vibrated more than my Triumph. Heck, even my ST1300 vibrates more than that 3 cylinder Triumph engine, at least until I get to high speeds on the highway. All in all though, I really liked it. The sales guy was great. I had done plenty of research and knew what the bike was worth. The sales guy went to the owner to get me a final number. I waited around, looked at used bikes, looked at new VStrom’s and waited. Finally, I got to meet the owner. He kinda creeped me out. Asked some odd questions. Then, after a bit of blah blah blah, he said that when I am ready to buy to come in and he will “sharpen his pencil”. He said he wanted to be the dealer to sell me a bike. If you are so interested in selling me a bike, GIVE ME A DAMNED PRICE ! ! ! !
Basically, this guy put a damper on my enthusiasm to buy this bike, and definitely made me decide to shop around for the best price, rather than try to be loyal to the people that spent so much time with me. This is not the first time an owner or manager has driven me away to a different dealer. I think they lose more sales than a bad sales person.
Anyway, I got good news today. Looking at the web site for Canada Air Cargo, I found that you cannot even make reservations for your bike until 30 days prior to leaving. So even if I planned on leaving early June, I still have time to set it up.
Bob L
Skip the new bikes. Old beat up ones make for a better adventure. Remember Argentina?