Videos, Pics and Double Trucks where they don’t belong.

Always an adventure.

Just as a reminder, I have a SmugMug page for photos and videos.   There is a Folder for BEST pics and videos, where I will put things that I don’t think should be missed, and then ALL which will be anything that made it past the editor, but this will be a LOT of pics and videos.   Newest of these “should” be at the bottom of the pages.

I cannot put large videos on this BLOG, and I don’t have software to easily shrink videos, so I put them on Smug mug with all my pics.  there is a way to embed videos from SmugMug, but they cannot be made full screen, so I still have to have links to my SmugMug page.   I hate technology.

Note at exactly 2:00 in the video below the truck showing up on the left oncoming lane. A few seconds later, you will see shadows on the ground. That is the DOUBLE truck, which could not see me because of the truck frame, making the turn using ALL of both lanes. I saw him, and stopped where I was safe, but you should have seen the look on his face when he saw me long after I would have been squished, had I not been a good Alps rider looking far ahead in time and space. The red and blue truck afterwards was a slightly smaller truck. Not sure why they were on this road, as this was one of the wider spots in this road. Maybe the GPS sent them this way.

MY TRUCK RUNETH OVER – VIDEO  <– click link to open in new widow if you want full screen





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