Ran into a girl today. Fortunately she was wearing a soft fuzzy sweater. Had it not been for that cushioning, we both would have been hurt.
There are a lot of things in Norway that jump out at you. The Moose, the Caribou, the deer, and most frequently, the Sheep. We have had all of them run out in front of us. I even came within an inch of removing a tail from a Fox. You have to keep your eyes open and cover your brakes.
Today, one of those fuzzy buggers ran out in front of me. We had a bunch of somewhat reckless bikes passing us in some curvy bits. There was one that was NOT driving reckless, so I made sure when an opportunity opened up, I made room for him to pass and waved him by. Just as he was passing, a bunch of sheep freaked out, as they often do.
Two made it across and one delayed too long. I got my speed way down, but could not swerve due to said motorcyclist being in the middle of a pass. The third sheep was trying to get under my front tire, but I had some room to move and hit her solidly with my foot, which was planted firmly on the rear brake.
Had it not been for all the wool, I am pretty sure my foot and her behind would have suffered some lasting damage. As it was, she ran around in circles before finding her friends and continuing her journey. I wicked it up for the next curve.
Moose don’t care. Caribou mostly avoid you. Mostly. Deer are dumb. Sheep are just plain stupid. You can’t fix stupid.
I thought from the title that we a love story.
Bait and switch