Link to www.gavnoe.dk/uk.html
With apologies to Heart, I am calling this post Goat and Butterfly.
When I got to the park, I could not remember why I had it on my list. Not unusual really. I asked the ticket lady what was there. She said “We have Goats. …pause… and Butterflies. Oh, and Lillies”
Gavno Slot og Park is a “Castle” in Denmark. More like a mansion really. SAN had gone to this one, more or less because it was on her way and it was in a nice area to ride. I did the same.
This is not really the kind of place I would go too far out of my way to visit, but it pretty much forced a route through rolling hills and pretty farmlands.
The park is really nice for kids to play and all, there are Lillies everywhere this time of year. And lots of other flowers. It smelled like a floral perfume factory.
The house has lots of portraits and paintings. Lots. Some armor and weaponry and what not.
Boy did they have lillies.
There was also a very old church.
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And there was this thing. Acting as a pillar under the booth where important people sit (if I have that correct). No head, well, his head is, well, really, WTF is this doing in a church?
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Oh, and a GOAT.
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And, yes, there were Sommerflugleland. Err butterflies.
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One sitting still. That was rare.
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Well, these young ones were pretty staionary.
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This guy was clinging to a branch, waiting for his wings to dry after coming out of the cacoon.
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And one finally stopped long enough for a pic. All the rest, if there was a butterfly in it, looked like that blue blur in the background.
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