Just Where Is Bob L ?
I thought I would update you all on my future fiasco, err, I mean adventure.
I have been busy procrastinating, but somehow that has worked out for me. Everything is falling into place. I have finalized my last day at work to be May 10th.
My current plan is to fly a bike to Germany in early June. Either my 2011 Tiger with 83,000 miles on it, or my ST1300 with 102,000 miles on it. I looked at the Tenere, but did not like it. I tried the Africa Twin and found it a great bike, but I like my Tiger better. I thought about getting any of a number of used bikes, but procrastination has made outfitting one in time a risky proposition. I have to choose which bike a month before my leave date due to making reservations and all that.
I am leaning towards the Tiger, since I doubt I could get much selling it here, and if I take it and something big fails it would not be a big loss to dump it. Whatever bike stays here gets stored and probably devoured by killer mice.
For a route, I had originally thought I would head straight up to Scandinavia for the 24 hours of daylight. Now, however, I am thinking I might spend the early part of the trip in Ireland/Scotland/England, then hit Scandinavia mid July to mid August, since lower Europe will be way too busy during that time and I have been led to believe that Scandinavia will not be as busy as further south during that time so I may wait until then. I have done so little research that my plans should change day by day, even as I ride. This always seems to work well for me.
For those that were hoping for a fire sale when I left, that will not happen. I am going to buy a friend a shipping container. I will use the last 4 or 5 feet for my garage stuff and my remaining bike, the rest of the 20 foot container will be for his kid’s jeep parts. He has an in-law apartment that he uses for guests, which I will rent when I am in the area. The furniture that is there needs to be tossed, so I will put the few pieces of good furniture there so the apartment will not be bare. I will put the few other things I have in the storage areas under the eaves so hopefully my clothes will not be eaten by mice. I do not really have all that much that I feel a need to save, but since there is a ton of room, I will save a bunch of stuff just to make the decision making easier. It will not be in the way and can be tossed sometime in the future.
Bob L