From my Web Page
I am trying different ways to post, as I don’t always have the internet, and some people don’t have facebook, and some people have low bandwidth, and some people don’t read their e-mails. So ……. I will try to accommodate everyone by posting in different ways until I find the best compromise for everyone
Some Places just Feal Like Home
I like to stop for coffee and whatever sometime late morning when possible. Today I decided to get some fruit and find a good place to have it later. I almost moved into the fruit place.
So 5 LITERS for about $10 US – Nice Price
But alas I had to move on. At the Austrian border I ate some Italian Fruit. Just to get back at them for WWI. But here you see they are stealing the Wind before it can get to Italy.
I like the WordPress based posts because I subscribed to it. I read email daily and notifications are good ? Are you going to make a trip to Lake Garda?
Thanks for the input. I will have to work out the best way. It looks like it will be to write in HTML, then copy to WordPress when I have internet
Some of the WordPress apps support offline editing.
Thanks. I was going to look into that. Still, I like my basic HTML.
I will try this but I tried in the past and I didn’t like the way any app handled photos. But copy/paste from my HTML page works tolerably well.
Nice Bob. Glad to see you are eating healthy. Be safe. Looks like your trip is enjoyable so far.