Széchenyi Thermal Bath


I walked 4.5 kilometers for a bath today.

The Széchenyi Medicinal Bath in Budapest is the largest medicinal bath in Europe.

This pic of the outside does not even begin to show how big this place is

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When it was recommended to me to go to this, all I could think of was I was going to go alone to a pee factory.

I still was not won over by Budapest. Granted, I only saw a portion of the city, much of it by riding my bike, so I was not in the proper frame of mind anyway.

I decided to walk to the Thermal Baths. That was 4.1 Km, if I went the most direct way. It was pretty warm. This city is like any other city, it smells. Some smells are good, like cooking smells, others are not, such as poo (dogs, humans, horses), that weird smell that wafts out of subways, diesel, you know, city smells. Oh, and BO. Oh, wait, that was me, 4.5 Km on a hot day, what was I thinking.

I really needed a bath when I got there.

When I got to the baths, it was pretty incredible. Lots of baths of all temps inside. The water is mineral water, and is naturally super hot, max of 171 ‘F. The hottest bath was not as hot as the typical hot tub I have been in, some of the pools were very cold water so you can alternate. It was really great.

The outside has pools, which you can play in, and a lap pool that you can swim uh laps. There are bars, snack bars, food bars, lounge chairs, everything. You can hang around here all day if you want.

I am not really a hang around in a hot tub kinda guy, but I enjoyed it. I would have enjoyed it more if I were not alone. This is really the kind of thing I would rather do with others.

This place is truly incredible inside and out. As you can see in the pics below, it is an amazing building. They really go all out to make it a good stay. There are massages of all kinds including medical massages. I definitely recommend this place. Thanks to those that recommended it.

My walk back to the Air BnB was a bit round about. Total 15 Km walking. When I got back to the apartment I needed another bath before going out to dinner. I chose to stay in and have eggs instead.

I will get up early tomorrow and walk some more. I kinda’ have to get up early. The garbage trucks arrive promptly at 5:00 AM and don’t leave until 8:00 AM. I really don’t know what they are doing, but they are very loud.

My walking route for the day.

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So, after walking almost 10 miles around the city, NOT following Google Maps preffered route, what do I think of Budapest? It is winning me over. I will post some more on the city, but it is growing on me.

Ummm, I guess it’s going to be a wild ride?

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Some of the outdoor pools. That red lighted sign tells the time, temp and water temp. It just felt too weird taking pics in the inside thermal pool area, with all those Speedo wearing fat guys. No, I don’t wear a Speedo!

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