FAUX PAS Number 7,347


OK, I don’t actually count them, and I am sure they are countless as I tend to be unaware. For example talking about how great one country is when I am in the next country who had been in violent conflict with said country. Clueless.

My favorite is when something comes out of my mouth, and as I am saying it, the tiny little part of my brain that is not a moron, the part way in the back, says: Did you REALLY just say that?

My father was a Radio Operator in a B-17 during The War. In the USA I am used to talking to 30 year olds that do not have a clue about WWII. Yes, there are history buffs, and those that are interested in it, but most really don’t know or really care. It was too long ago and far away.

I was talking to my Air BnB host, a very well educated, well traveled and intelligent 30 year old French woman. We had a great conversation about all kinds of subjects, and at some point she asked where I was going next.

So I said the Normandy Landing beaches. I mentioned my father and said something to the effect that because of that I am very interested in it, but that since she was young she was probably not so close to the history there.

I said this to a French woman. In France. The focal point of the land war. Really Bob?

This woman’s family lived the war. They helped save a Jewish man that was escaping. They had to relocate to try to escape the war. I just forgot, for that second that it takes words to pass the lips, just where I was and who I was talking to.

Of course, she was gracious enough not to call me on it, but I was unable to recover my dignity. I wanted to ask many questions, but was a bit worried about another Faux Pas.

Such is traveling.

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