
Link to PHOTO ALBUM – All of October:

The last time I wrote anything much, I was in Italy & Slovenia. I think.

Since then, my bike hit 100,000 miles, I rode through the northwest part of Slovenia, which was fantastic. For a few days I zig zagged through Austria, the Dolomites in Italy, the Swiss Alps, into the French country side, avoiding Paris and other Sh** Holes err, I mean cities. Finally I was able to visit the Normandy Landing sites, staying in a small town at Juno Beach. Lots of historic sites to visit in this area, but I am concentrating on the Normandy Invasion sites. Then, I went to Ireland to see one of my favorite countries. I will be heading back to the states in 2 days, so can see you all there.

So…. Back to Italy. It is off season right now. REALLY off season. I found myself near Arraba, a town that I have been in a few times before. There are lots of hotels and BnB’s and all. Looking at the apps, there were almost no choices. I stopped at a hotel I knew, but was told the hotel was closed, and that there were only two open in town. At least I was not the only guest at the place I found, which has happened a lot of times in the last month.

Then to a little Swiss ski town, Flims, and a small bar where I met the European Wake Boarding champ, or something like that. He has a place there, and in Florida, and his son is #1 in his age group at wake boarding. Lots of famous people go to this bar, but not at this time of year.

There was the Grand Canyon of Switzerland, a nice ride through a canyon south of Flims, eventually to Verkehrshaus, a Train and other things museum. Not bad with some very interesting exhibits, but really not worth the absurd traffic in Lucern. It is not that there is a lot of it, it is just so poorly laid out for the traffic that is there.

From there, well, it was one interesting historic site after another, with many good roads, and a few not so good roads in between.

The Normandy Landing Beaches area is nothing but history. It is everywhere. From ancient times up through today. This area was devastated during the landing. To stop German communications we bombed the heck out of the area. During the bombing and the fighting that ensued many civilians were killed. Still, for the most part, we were welcomed with open arms when we liberated France. So much damage, so many lives, but it had to be done.

There is really too much to write about, and I have pretty much given up on big write-ups. I love doing them, but time just does not allow me to keep up.

After Normandy, I took a ferry from Roscoff France to Cork Ireland. I rode around the southern part of the country, trying not to retrace my steps from my last trip, although there were some places that are more than worth repeating.

On the last day riding I met up with Martin and his friend. We rode all kinds of narrow roads through the mountains. These were paved, fairly high speed roads. Well, that is how we treated them. They were really two single tracks next to each other with slippery grass between them, mostly paved, with no real speed limits. Some incredible scenery, although at the speeds we were going there was not much time to look at it.

I am now in Dublin waiting to head back to the states. I don’t really want to stop traveling but I do want to see family and friends. Originally I thought I would be heading to Spain and Portugal at this point. Not being able to stay in the Schengen area really screwed that up. Other options would have been to winter in Croatia. Not a bad choice, but I have found that I really like traveling Solo, but I don’t do so well when I stop. There are very few areas that I would want to spend much real time alone. I think I could do this in Ireland, but NOT in the winter.

My plans for the nearish future, and we know how plans go, is to spend November and December in New England, except for a week in Honduras, then three or four weeks in New Zealand in March or so. Then in the spring back to Ireland to pick up my bike. I don’t know where I will go then, but since it is early enough, Spain and Portugal might work.

What I don’t know, is what I will do in January and February. I will NOT spend a winter in New England. I could just ride to Florida, then maybe into Mexico or Central America. Or I could fly to Thailand and Vietnam. I am open to suggestions.

You can look at the link above for all photos from October


  1. Bob I really have to talk to you about New Zealand. My cousin and her husband would love to have you visit. They are world travelers themselves. He is a merchant marine ship captain and she is a nurse. A couple of real characters. The last time saw them they were here in New Engalnd.. when they left they rented a couple of Harleys and headed for the west coast. They are in their mid seventies.
    Bill Desmond

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