Small Towns. Ya Gotta Love ’em.

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Small Towns. Ya Gotta Love ’em.

New Boston has a 4th of July parade every year. It starts with the ringing of the Paul Revere bell in the Church Steeple, then the Little Peoples Depot, small children either walking or on bicycles. Continues on with the Newest Citizen, this one only 2 weeks old, and the newest over 100 year old citizen. There are old cars, old tractors, lots of water guns, one grumpy guy in a weird camaro who did not like the water guns, fire trucks, floats, old and new Jeeps, Lots of Home Made Floats and just a great small town time. It ends at the 4H fairgrounds where they have events and food all day, ending with fireworks at night.

This year, there was a recently “restored” Korean War era Jeep. Complete with a Browning 1919 belt fed “noise maker” in memory of Dave Wilson. I miss you my friend.

Of course, the parade would not be right without the Molly Stark Cannon, a captured brass cannon from the Revolutionary War. Fired every year on the 4th of July at the Fairgrounds. Dave would approve.

OH, And a Marriage Proposal. One of the New Boston Militia proposed to his girlfriend on the bridge during the parade. She said YES. I think Dave would approve of that as well.

You can find the rest of the pictures on my web site home page,


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