
This is a post from way back in the wettest parts of our Norway ride. You know you are riding in a lot of rain when you start growing things on your boots. Usually I just grow things IN my boots.

Nancy’s boots starting their own Garden. 
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More Cool Towns


My favorite way to ride is to plug in a destination, and ignore the GPS. I try to stay as far away from heavily populated areas and highways as possible. It is not good for making time, but you can find fantastic roads and some pretty great little towns.

I was on the way to Budapest today, and was just wandering around. I could have gotten there in a small number of hours, but it took all day.

I found these guys

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Continue reading “More Cool Towns”

14 Km of Dirt?


Roads?   Where we are going we don’t need roads:

While wandering towards Budapest, I stopped to look at my GPS. A guy stopped to make sure I was OK. His English was less than great, but I had ear plugs in so I was not sure if it was him or me. He pointed at a sign, Hotel and Cafe, and said something about dirt, and I should follow him.

I decided what the hell. It was not a terrible road. But it was not great. Lots of loose gravel, large rocks and ruts. Just what a fully loaded big bike loves. It was not so bad, and I had fun, but about half way up I realized that the shortest way back down the mountain was to take the same 14 Km down. We rode right past the signs that said no motorcycles.

At the top, I discovered that he knew no English. He bought me a beer, Non alcoholic, and paid for my access to the road, which aparently is required.

We had a grand old time trying to have a decent conversation with no common language. We did OK, then we rode back down the mountain. I wonder why it seems to take me forever to get to my next destination?

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Our Route:

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I had not originally intended on going to Czechia, but since it was sort of on my way, I went to the Church of Bones. I went to Prague because it was close to the church. I went to the next place because I found good riding roads in southern Czechia and this place was close. Since I had not intended to go here, I really did not have any notes. SAN had told me all about it in detail, but I forgot all of it. I thought it was a drive by.

You are not allowed to take photos of the  inside of the castle during the tour.  You can take photos FROM the castle though.   It is a big sprawling tourist trap, err, I mean historic city.  I will be back when I have more time.   It was pretty great.

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Continue reading “CESKY KRUMLOV CASTLE”

Czechia Air Museum

When you are riding down the highway in Czechia and see a sign for an Air Museum, one that is NOT on Google Maps, you have to stop. More of a junk yard than a museum, but they did have good info on the planes. In Czeck. This was a great place to walk around. I did drop my bike here though. I was standing on the pegs to take a photo, and when I jumped down I bumped the bike just enough to get it off balance. Fortunately some guys were driving by on their traktor and stopped to help.

Tow Mater’s cousin.

Continue reading “Czechia Air Museum”




This post on my Website

Getting recommendations on places to go and things to do is always a crap shoot. The biggest problem with it is the WHY. Everyone has a different idea of what is worth doing. For example, someone may say “Go to this town, it is awesome.” Then when you get there you find it is nothing but seedy bars and strip clubs. It turns out that the person giving you the advice happens to LIKE seedy bars and strip clubs. YOU may even like these places, just not when you are travelling with your wife. So when asking for, or being given advice, ALWAYS ask WHY.

Continue reading “EGESKOV CASTLE – Demark”


Coincidences are funny.   I realize our minds can find patterns where none exist, but sometimes things happen that make you wonder.

Here it is Monday September 3rd.  I last saw NAS (that’s Special Agent Nancy) on Friday August 31st.   In case you are reading out of order, NAS has the same bike as mine, a 2011 Triumph Tiger.   This is a fairly tall bike even if the suspension is lowered.   There are not a lot of Triumph Tigers around, and even fewer women riding them.

Continue reading “TIGER WOMEN”


American Muscle Cars on Parade




See the Photo Album link above for LOTS of photos of American Muscle cars and more. There is only a sample here.

While leaving the Parola Tank Museum, we saw a bunch of people setting up chairs on the side of the road. I stopped at a biker to ask what was up. He said there was going to be a parade of classic cars in 15 to 30 minutes. I knew what that meant. No rush. We did not think it would be much, so went into a town a few miles south to look at a castle then got some dinner. During and after dinner, we saw a bunch of people lining the streets. Then the cars started coming. Mostly American, but a few others as well. I only took a relative few photos. It looked like the parade would never stop. Then, we started seeing some repeats. Some of the cars that had been through started filtering in with the new cars. We could have been there all night. We hit the road, but here are a few sample pics.

BTW, This was in the town of Hameenlinna, Finland

What the heck is a Wildcat?

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Continue reading “FINNISH CAR PARADE”

Nazi Tanks and More

Parolo Tank Museum – Go to the link for my latest post

Parolo Tank Museum – Finland



Just a few photos here of a Tank Museum in Finland. Go to the Album link above to see all of them. It was very interesting to go through this, but the photos just do not do it justice.

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Continue reading “Nazi Tanks and More”

Man Powered Ferry – Latvia


Man powered Ligatne ferry over Gauja river in Gauja National Park Latvia

In Latvia, the Ferries don’t move men, men move Ferries. We took a wooden ferry that is powered by men. More specifically, it is powered by the river. Men control the angle of the ferry and turn it into the river in such a way that the river helps push it across. It is not an easy task even with the river helping. 

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Continue reading “Man Powered Ferry – Latvia”


There are two  new posts over at my web site plus lots of photos on my smug mug site.

And probably a bunch of others I forgot to put here.




Link to PHOTO ALBUM: is a great resource for finding great people to ride with, to stay with and to make lifelong friendships with. Facebook not so much. S.A. Nancy is extremely good at communicating using various on-line media. Me, not so much. For this trip, S.A. Nancy was in communication with some people on and lots of people on a Facebook page of the same name. From facebook, she had a long list of people who offered help and homestays. From ADVRider, she had a much smaller number of contacts. All but one of the Faceplant contacts that we were trying to meet fell through. One of these fell through at the last minute, after we had changed our plans specifically so we could work the homestay into our schedule.

The ones from ADVRider were far more reliable, all doing their best to accomodate us. Because of our changing schedule and the unreliability of FB people, up to this point we have only had two homestays, one from a facebook contact, and another from an ADVRider inmate.

Continue reading “CAT HOUSES and BOAT SHACKS”