Small Towns. Ya Gotta Love ’em.

FWIW, I don’t really use this BLOG often at the moment.   I e-mail most new posts to those on my e-mail list.  Some make it to my home page, some stay in the E-Mail universe.  There may be things I send out that never make it here, so let me know if you want to be added to my e-mail list.  But if your E-Mail is not obvious, let me know who you are.

Small Towns. Ya Gotta Love ’em.

New Boston has a 4th of July parade every year. It starts with the ringing of the Paul Revere bell in the Church Steeple, then the Little Peoples Depot, small children either walking or on bicycles. Continues on with the Newest Citizen, this one only 2 weeks old, and the newest over 100 year old citizen. There are old cars, old tractors, lots of water guns, one grumpy guy in a weird camaro who did not like the water guns, fire trucks, floats, old and new Jeeps, Lots of Home Made Floats and just a great small town time. It ends at the 4H fairgrounds where they have events and food all day, ending with fireworks at night.

Continue reading “Small Towns. Ya Gotta Love ’em.”

2018 Annual Update

I was reminded by a friend that I have not been sharing my story for a while.

So, a little update on what my plans are. Always entertaining when I try to make plans.

For those that have not been keeping track, I retired in May of 2018, got rid of much of what I had, including my apartment, storing what little I didn’t get rid of. In July I flew one of my two bikes to Germany, then rode for over 20,000 miles all over Europe, including Scandinavia and some of Eastern Europe. In October I ended this portion of my trip in Ireland, where my bike sits waiting for me.

Continue reading “2018 Annual Update”


If I ever get a house, I am going to build a Man-Cave and put a Soviet MIG in it.   I don’t know why, but after seeing this one in the basement of this museum I now want one.   I can see myself sitting in the cockpit drinking Vodka and watching The Longest Day on the Telly.